Sunday, May 22, 2011

Jalen turns 4!

I can't believe my littlest one is already 4! Although he is a "big boy" in many ways...the baby in him comes out every once in awhile (like every night when he sleeps between us!, or when he wants "uppy...code word for pick me up and carry me, or when he is riding in the car getting sleepy and says "i love you mommy", or the fact that he loves to cuddle as much as I do!) I know most of these things he will grow out of, but I hope he stays the "mama's boy" that he is for awhile longer! This year we celebrated his birthday by going to JJ Jump with his friend Brody from pre-school, going out to lunch with Daddy, then Grandma and Papa took him to see the movie Rio since Jamie and I both had to be at the grand opening of the Tualatin Yogurt Shack. We had a little party at Papa and Nana's (the Snook's) the next day and had pizza and a dinosaur cake. The theme this year was dinosaurs...Dino Dan is one of his favorite cartoons so we got him a hat, and some shorts like Dino Dan wears and he got plenty of different play dinosaurs to play with. That was at the top of his list as well as a magical sword, and fake gun (aka nerf gun and water blaster), fake knife, fake wood (we still don't know what he meant by that!). And Jamie and I surprised him with his own DS and a Mario game so he didn't have to carry around the girls old pink one anymore! I think it was a successful couple of days...we had a very happy birthday boy...and lots of toys cluttering up the house to show for it!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Lily's First Communion

Yesterday was such a special day that Lily has been waiting such a long time for! Every Sunday she would ask if she could get the bread and today she finally did! This was a long and crazy weekend with Ellie's last volleyball tournament in Corvallis, the Mother's Day Luncheon at the church and Lily's first communion. Luckily, we managed to gather all the family...grandparents and aunts and uncles to be well as lots of family friends!

Nana bought Lily her dress and shoes and just as Ellie did Lily wore my mom's wedding veil in her hair. Seeing her in all white with the veil brought tears to my eyes...she is so beautiful, and innocent. Father Bill made this mass all about the kids and invited them to bring up the gifts, to sit with him during the homily, as he prepared the host and again as they sang the closing song.
Lily has a natural spirituality about her and it was shining through in her eyes and smile. I am so proud of you Lily and feel blessed to share this special moment with you.
We went to Spaghetti Factory afterwards to celebrate (spaghetti is Lily's favorite...but we were sure to change out of the white dress first!!) She was given some special gifts including a music box, a daily reflection book, a handmade box with lots of little treasures in it and a First Communion dress made especially for her doll Alex. Another few years and all five of us can receive communion together, but for now we've got four and Jalen will be the one looking at me with big eyes asking if he can have the bread!