I can't believe that my babies are another year older! They often ask me why I still call them "baby" and I try to explain that they are still my sweet little babies...just in a bigger body with a much sassier mouth! Lily turned 5 on June 26th and Ellie turned 7 on July 1st...although if you ask them they say they are 15 and 17 which scares me to even think about!
Ellie has become so independent and knows what she likes and doesn't like. She is very thoughtful and is always doing nice things for her family and friends. I get a beautiful picture everyday that either says "to mommy, i love you" or "to the best mom ever". She is very into her friends and loves having sleepovers. She gets her competitive nature and persistence from her Dad...which I keep reminding myself are good qualities as long as they are channeled toward something other than bugging me until she gets the answer she wants, or making everything a competition including singing in the car (who knows the most words, who sings the loudest, who sings the best, etc...) She is a wonderful helper with Jalen, she gets him out of his crib in the morning, she helps give him snacks and he is the one person she will share her ice cream cone with! She is aware of what he can and can't do and takes good care of him. She has the "oldest child" role down pat, she is the leader and the other "little mom" of the family and I wouldn't want her any other way!
Lily on the other hand truly is still my baby! She is sweet and very sensitive and will cry at the drop of a hat. She still sucks her thumb and loves the cuddle and rub her hand up and down my arm and touch my cheek. She loves watching Dora although she will watch the older shows also just to be with Ellie. She sleep with Ellie every night in a twin bed even thought they each have their own. She is caring, very helpful, and loves organizing things. She still likes spending time with me, especially if it is just her and I. She is goofy and silly and does a great job of making Jalen laugh. She is a good friend and is always concerned about other people. She is my free spirit with her own sense of style and although I'm sure I will spend many hours worrying about her when she is older I love that quality! So at least for now I get to enjoy that sweet baby side of her for awhile longer!
So Happy Birthday to my two favorite girls...I love you both and you make my heart smile! Thanks for all the love and laughter you bring me!