I think the girls had more sweets before they were even out of school...and they hadn't even started trick or treating yet! It started with Lily's class party at 8:00 this morning, then went on to Ellie's at 10:00 and between donuts, cookies and candy they were wired! We met over at Nana and Papa's to do our trick or treating and Auntie Kim helped the girls get into costume. Ellie was a punk pirate and Lily was Dorothy (even though she's never seen the whole movie!) but I think the red shoes were the selling factor for her! Jalen was supposed to be a lion but he HATED the costume. He doesn't like things on his head and the costume had a hood with the mane attached and he wanted nothing to do with that. He lasted a whole 2 minutes before we decided it wasn't worth the hysterical crying and took it off. He still followed the girls to trick or treat but when he got to the bowl of candy he would put the old candy in the bowl before taking a new one...I guess that's his way of sharing! It was a fun night, but as with all holidays glad the chaos is over!