This was a day that we knew was coming but it doesn't make it any easier when it finally arrives. Riley has battled lymphoma for a few months and although the doctor thought he was in remission, there was something more going on as he stopped eating, drinking and could hardly get up anymore. Let me back up for those of you who don't know the story behind Riley. My parents saw him at the pet store when they were building the new Oregon City Papa Murphy's and when I saw him I fell in love. My parents advised against getting him...Jamie and I had just gotten married and were living in an apartment which they didn't think was the best place to have a dog. And Jamie REALLY didn't want me to get him...he actually said it's me or the dog...but of course I knew he was kidding because that same night he came home to meet our new puppy! I had no idea what having a puppy meant...the chewing, biting, jumping, peeing and vet bills. I would have to jump up on the couch or counters just to get away from those sharp puppy teeth attacking my ankles! And of course I had to find somewhere to keep Riley when I went to work all day so guess who got to take care of their first grand-dog?! I would bring Riley up to my parents before work and let him play on their 5 acres, go in the pond and chase balls. When we moved into our first house we were finally able to keep him at home. Then we had Ellie and let's just say Riley wasn't a big fan of little people. It got to be too much trying to keep a toddling little girl away from an inpatient dog so Riley got to move up to the 5 acres once again. And this time he stayed. We still came to see Riley and everytime we pulled up he would talk to us...this funny little howl thing he did. He loved it up here, he loved us and he loved my parents. They became his caregivers (thank goodness because we never could have afforded all that cancer treatment, or back surgery he had)...he was in good hands and they came to love him and had a strong bond with him. forward to this morning...I was getting ready to get the girls on the bus when the phone rang and my mom said it was time. He had a bad night, and it was time to end his suffering. We walked the kids over to say goodbye and we all gathered around him and cuddled him. Lily was too sad to go to school, Ellie went but didn't have a very good day. I went with my parents to go put him down and it was a very sad day. We decided to bring him home with us and bury him on our property so he could always be here with us. Jamie dug a hole...a very big, deep hole and we had our little memorial service for Riley. The girls made cards that they put in the grave with him and we put in a ball...he loved his tennis balls! It brought Jamie and I back to ten years ago...he was our first "baby"...the first addition to our family. We laughed how hard it was in the beginning and cried over how hard it was today in the end...but all those special memories in between makes it all worth it. Riley will be missed and will always hold a special place in our hearts.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Saying goodbye to Riley
This was a day that we knew was coming but it doesn't make it any easier when it finally arrives. Riley has battled lymphoma for a few months and although the doctor thought he was in remission, there was something more going on as he stopped eating, drinking and could hardly get up anymore. Let me back up for those of you who don't know the story behind Riley. My parents saw him at the pet store when they were building the new Oregon City Papa Murphy's and when I saw him I fell in love. My parents advised against getting him...Jamie and I had just gotten married and were living in an apartment which they didn't think was the best place to have a dog. And Jamie REALLY didn't want me to get him...he actually said it's me or the dog...but of course I knew he was kidding because that same night he came home to meet our new puppy! I had no idea what having a puppy meant...the chewing, biting, jumping, peeing and vet bills. I would have to jump up on the couch or counters just to get away from those sharp puppy teeth attacking my ankles! And of course I had to find somewhere to keep Riley when I went to work all day so guess who got to take care of their first grand-dog?! I would bring Riley up to my parents before work and let him play on their 5 acres, go in the pond and chase balls. When we moved into our first house we were finally able to keep him at home. Then we had Ellie and let's just say Riley wasn't a big fan of little people. It got to be too much trying to keep a toddling little girl away from an inpatient dog so Riley got to move up to the 5 acres once again. And this time he stayed. We still came to see Riley and everytime we pulled up he would talk to us...this funny little howl thing he did. He loved it up here, he loved us and he loved my parents. They became his caregivers (thank goodness because we never could have afforded all that cancer treatment, or back surgery he had)...he was in good hands and they came to love him and had a strong bond with him. forward to this morning...I was getting ready to get the girls on the bus when the phone rang and my mom said it was time. He had a bad night, and it was time to end his suffering. We walked the kids over to say goodbye and we all gathered around him and cuddled him. Lily was too sad to go to school, Ellie went but didn't have a very good day. I went with my parents to go put him down and it was a very sad day. We decided to bring him home with us and bury him on our property so he could always be here with us. Jamie dug a hole...a very big, deep hole and we had our little memorial service for Riley. The girls made cards that they put in the grave with him and we put in a ball...he loved his tennis balls! It brought Jamie and I back to ten years ago...he was our first "baby"...the first addition to our family. We laughed how hard it was in the beginning and cried over how hard it was today in the end...but all those special memories in between makes it all worth it. Riley will be missed and will always hold a special place in our hearts.
Jalen found the bb gun
Before I tell the story let me say I HATE guns...any guns and all guns...paint guns, bb guns, hunting guns, kill someone kind of guns, and even water guns when they are pointed at me! So I wasn't happy when I walked downstairs to see Jamie and all three of my kids outside with a rifle and a huge cardboard box propped up against the big fir tree. was 8:00 at night! I guess Jalen spotted my dad's old bb gun up in the closet in the office and for some reason Jamie thought it would be cool to show him, and the girls, how it worked. So there they are out in the dark taking turns shooting this gun at the box. They dragged me out to watch...which I'm sure Jamie later regretted with all the grief I gave him...and once I saw Jalen's face I had to go get the camera. You would think he had just seen Santa Claus...or walked into the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse...or whatever else excites a 2 year old! The look on his face was priceless! So I let him have his fun and then made Jamie promise to put it away where he COULDN"T see it and never let him shoot a gun again!
Bathtime for Happy
Let me start by saying I am so far behind on posting to this blog...and the whole reason I am doing it is to keep all of you updated on our busy well as for my kids to be able to look back on and remember special moments in their lives. this technically isn't that special but it was one of the priceless moments that will be so funny when they look back on it one day. Happy had been playing outside and they know that Mommy gets MAD when they let him in without wiping his paws. Even Jalen tries his best to chase Happy around the room with a towel...usually unsuccessful but the effort is there. So they came into the office and asked if they could give Happy a bath. Of course we don't have a good place to give a real bath so I clarified that what they really meant was wiping him down...more of a spongebath and they eagerly agreed. So...thinking we were on the same page (my mistake!) I told them to close the laundry room door to contain Happy and have at it. A few minutes went by (okay maybe more than a few...I was REALLY enjoying the peace and quiet!) So by the time I went and checked the entire room was covered with every single rag we own, Jalen had the car wash mit on his hand, Ellie was holding Happy on the leash and Lily had the sprayer from the sink pointed out into the middle of the room attempting to spray Happy as he tried his best to get away. I wanted to be mad at the mess but all I could do was laugh. The kids meant well, they were having fun and although Happy didn't seem to like getting sprayed he was still sitting there with that big old "happy" smile on his face!
Papa Jacks 60th Birthday!
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