So my mom was talking to Jalen about the Easter Bunny and he gave her the most puzzled look. She later asked me if Jalen knew who the Easter Bunny was and I said I thought so. I thought so? What kind of mom says that?! What happened to the days when I would dress the girls up in their cute Easter dresses and head to the mall just to get that perfect (or sometimes not so perfect!) picture? This was classic case of the third child syndrome and I felt like the worst mom ever. So the next night I loaded the kids into the car and we drove to go see the Easter Bunny. My fault that I waited until the Friday before Easter...after school was out...there was quite the line. Normally I would have left but I was feeling so guilty and being Easter was in two days we waited...and waited. Jalen thought the bunny was pretty cool...he wanted to sit on his lap and give him hugs and left with a cute pair of paper bunny ears on his head. Mission accomplished...now come Sunday morning he would know who hid all those eggs! The Easter Bunny got smart this year and left the kids a note and all the eggs were color coded. Ellie's were blue and yellow, Lily's purple and orange and Jalen's were the eggs that looked like baseballs. You know what this meant right...NO fighting over eggs...it was brilliant and I couldn't believe that it took this long for the bunny to figure that out! After the eggs search and some breakfast we went to church and then to Nana and Papa's for more hunting. Within two minutes of getting there Jalen fell down and got his pants all muddy so he had to go searching pantless...just in case you were wondering why in the pictures he had bare legs! We then went to Lacey's for our third Easter celebration of the day and found more eggs...which meant more candy. To top things off it was Alexa's birthday so throw in some birthday cake along with all the candy and pie and Easter cupcakes and let's just say by 7:00 that night my kids were a DISASTER! There is nothing worse than sugar loaded cranky kids. And if you are wondering why he is wearing a dress in the other picture well that's because he likes it. Every time he goes to Addie's house he goes for that pink dress...or her pink pajamas. We all crack up because he is all boy with a little buzz cut running around in girls clothes! We came home, took a ride on the "big" quad, played some soccer to burn off some of that extra energy and wound down with a hot tub. The only thing that would have made the day better is some sun!