All weekend long I was so excited for today to come...and the best were my kids (well, the girls...not so much Jalen...more on that later). They were really looking forward to getting back to school, meeting their new teacher and finding out what friends were in their class. Honestly, I think we were all on each others nerves, for much different reasons! If I had to listen to them fight or hear my name "mom" one more time I was going to pull my hair out. And I think they were equally tired of hearing my voice (mostly because I was asking them to do something other than sitting on the couch watching Hannah Montana Forever). After picking out back to school outfits last night they set their alarm and went to bed at the first decent time in 3 months. My alarm went off at 6:15 (the only bad part of back to schhol!) and when I went to check on them they were already in the shower! After some waffles and sausage we walked to the bus (plenty early...they didn't want to miss it!) and I sent them off with a kiss. Back inside with a cup of coffee and silence...LOVE IT!
That lasted for a whole 2 minutes before Jalen woke up. Now he on the other hand is not only not excited about school he is very clear that he doesn't want to go. He is only signed up for two days a week for 2 hours each day but if mommy isn't there he doesn't want to go. He is such a mama's sweet as it is to be loved so much it's equally exhausting. I can't even get 10 minutes to shower...he literally is by my side or on my side at all times. So really the preschool was for him (well maybe a little bit for me!)...but mostly to put him in a social setting where he can have fun with friends and activities without me. If you even talk about school he shuts down and says no. I asked him what he wanted to wear on the first day of school and he said no...I said no what...he said nothing...I said what...he said nothing I go naked. He didn't want to eat last night, he said he had a tummy ache this morning (which I think is all anxiety) and wouldn't eat breakfast this morning. I was trying to get him excited, and told him his teacher was a neighbor, she lives next to Grandma. He got a big grin on his face which got me so excited until he said "then I don't need to go to school!" what he thinks cause he sees her walking her dogs he doesn't need to go to the school to see her?! The only reason I got him in the car is because it was the open house today so I told him I would stay with which he responded "promise?"..."yes buddy I promise". He actually did really well today...of course I was within sight the whole time as was Nana, Aunt Amber and Aunt Lacey because both his cousins Addie and Alexa are in his class. I thought that would really help him...until he said he didn't want them to go to his school (funny since he doesn't even want to go to his school!) The real test will be on be continued then...
As for the girls they had a great first day! I asked them their favorite part of their day when they got off the bus.
Ellie: "The fourth graders from last year wrote us a letter telling us about Mr. Schecter and at first I was nervous but then I read the letter and they said how nice he was and I really like him now. And we have community circle with a different topic's topic was what our wish is for the school year and I said that everyone has someone to play know so no one is walking around by themself at recess. Oh and we get to dissect a squid."
Lily: "I liked math and recess. And I like it cause my teacher lets us read in the middle of the day. And me and Amelia played a trick on Julian cause he won't talk to Amelia but he likes me so at recess we switched clothes so he would think Amelia was me and he would talk to her. But it didn't work cause right when we walked outside recess was over so we had to go change clothes again."
Are you laughing right now? I mean'n not like they are twins...they really don't even look like each other! I'm just picturing these 2 girls giggling in the bathroom as they are trading clothes and figuring out what they are going to say...too funny!
So that wraps up the first day of off to soccer practice...