Friday, December 21, 2007

important disclaimer!

So I got this idea from my dear friend Emily who started her own blog. I love reading it, partly because she lives in Seattle so it gives me a chance to feel like I somewhat know what is going on in her life (and see her cute boys even though it's going on 9 months and I've never met baby Jack!) but really because she is so good with words and I end up in tears from laughing so hard. So I told Jamie about it and he thought it would be a great idea if we started one of our own. Now I have to tell you I was a little bit hesitant because I am not that good with words and I really don't consider myself to be that funny (Jamie has enough funny in him for both of us!). But I agreed to give it a try. So the first night we sat down to do this I guess he had his funny hat on. This is where my disclaimer comes in...ALL the goofy, crazy titles, deep thoughts, etc. are HIS! Do you really think I would call myself Ma' the Meatloaf? It's from some of the thousand he can quote random lines from. And Snook Doggy Dog - ya not my idea either. I made him promise he would sign his name at the end of each of his "deep thoughts" - but I'm sure after you've read for awhile you will be able to tell what comes from him and what I write. He on the other hand thinks my entries are boring and that "no one wants to hear about my trip to Albertson's to get sun-dried tomatoes" - no I have never written about that and I promise you I never will. So that's it for now - I just wanted to make it perfectly clear who the dork is in our family!

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