Life is in session...did you know that the license plates in the great state of New Hampshire read, "live free or die"? I find this important for all of you to know because they are produced via the state prison. Call me crazy, but that has to be the best example of irony that I have ever been exposed to.
Smell ya later,
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
A Birthday Cake For Jesus

Nothing warms your heart more than to hear your daughter ask if we can make a birthday cake for Jesus. The tradition started last year, and yet again we had a white birthday cake with candles and we gathered around and sang Happy Birthday to Jesus. That along with sharing time with family, getting wonderful gifts including Butterscotch pony, eating way too much food, and the uncontrollable excitement Christmas morning after Santa came is what made our Christmas so great. Not to ruin a sweet blog but it is now 9:36 on the day after Christmas and I am ready to saddle my kids up on those reindeer and let them take em' away! They are now coming down off the two day high they have been on from sweets and presents and it is not going well. They have come out of their room 22 times (yes, I am counting because Jamie got the luxury of going to a movie tonight and I want to be sure he gets the full rundown of what he put me through!). They have used every excuse from needing water to needing to go to the bathroom to needing medicine for the sudden onset of a sore throat. Then Lily hit her head and needed the "boo bunny ice pack". Big surprise but out came Ellie and her head also miraculously hurt but then it "wasn't fair" because she had to have the old rubber ice bag instead of the boo bunny. Oh and after I said no to the third water request Lily said that when she doesn't have water to drink she throws up in the middle of the night. Not to mention that we bought them these great bunk beds and they still insist on sleeping together in the top bunk...which then leads to the "don't touch me" and "you're on my side" bickering. I really think that if I see one more set of those new Hannah Montana jammies walk into this room I'm going to lose it! Have I told you how much I love my kids lately? I do.
Friday, December 21, 2007
important disclaimer!
So I got this idea from my dear friend Emily who started her own blog. I love reading it, partly because she lives in Seattle so it gives me a chance to feel like I somewhat know what is going on in her life (and see her cute boys even though it's going on 9 months and I've never met baby Jack!) but really because she is so good with words and I end up in tears from laughing so hard. So I told Jamie about it and he thought it would be a great idea if we started one of our own. Now I have to tell you I was a little bit hesitant because I am not that good with words and I really don't consider myself to be that funny (Jamie has enough funny in him for both of us!). But I agreed to give it a try. So the first night we sat down to do this I guess he had his funny hat on. This is where my disclaimer comes in...ALL the goofy, crazy titles, deep thoughts, etc. are HIS! Do you really think I would call myself Ma' the Meatloaf? It's from some of the thousand he can quote random lines from. And Snook Doggy Dog - ya not my idea either. I made him promise he would sign his name at the end of each of his "deep thoughts" - but I'm sure after you've read for awhile you will be able to tell what comes from him and what I write. He on the other hand thinks my entries are boring and that "no one wants to hear about my trip to Albertson's to get sun-dried tomatoes" - no I have never written about that and I promise you I never will. So that's it for now - I just wanted to make it perfectly clear who the dork is in our family!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
You Can't See Me

Lily...also known as "camo queen" is the girliest tomboy I have ever known! We just went shoe shopping with their great grandpa bill and there was no question what shoes she was getting. She will dig through the dirty laundry, the still wet in the washing machine laundry and the dryer looking for one of her many camo shirts or sweats or sweatshirts to wear. And one article of clothing is not enough - it has to be the WHOLE outfit - from head to toe. We have resorted to shopping in the boys section of Old Navy simply to find the camo gear that she wants. Grandma knitted a hat for Jalen using camo yarn and when Lily found it she was so excited that Grandma made if for her, I didn't have the heart to tell her it was Jalen' that too has been added to her wardrobe. This pic was taken before school yesterday...what you can't see is the camo t-shirt under the camo sweatshirt that says "You Can't See Me"...but hey, it is in sparkly sequin lettering - that's gotta count for something!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The Pretend Santa...

Have we really reached the age of question already? I was informed that the Santa at the mall was just the pretend Santa, but he went to the North Pole to tell the "real" Santa what they wished for (a Nintendo DS, Butterscotch pony, and Webkinz). Creative way of thinking...either that or they were just trying to appease me since I told them that you don't get presents if you don't "believe". I can't really blame them when we see 3 different Santa's in one day and each of them has a line wrapped around the North Pole to sit on his lap...even Santa can't be THAT good!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Deep Thoughts
Life is in session...Who would steal your garbage can? Not the recycling bin or the yard debris can just the "refuse only" bucket. However, you should all know that for only $9, it can be replaced.
Smell ya later,
Smell ya later,
Mommy, I can walk on my toes!

So my mom thought it would be fun to start a tradition of taking the girls to the Nutcracker. They were so excited, talked about what they were going to wear for weeks, my mom bought a wooden nutcracker for them to start a collection and we prepared by watching the "Barbie Nutcracker" more than a few times! So the day came, and when my mom came down to pick them up Lily had just woken up and EVERYTHING was wrong, from her dress, to her tights to her shoes (if she had her way she would wear her camo gear...more on that later) so needless to say it was not a good start. I of course didn't get the privledge of going because of Jalen, but let's just say it might not make the "tradition" list! Between Ellie asking why none of the ballerinas were talking, the girls fighting over my moms lap, and while they were on her lap making her give them "scratchbacks" (yes, that's what they call back scratches) they were ready to go at the intermission! Yet, when they got home and I asked them how they liked it they claimed it was great...and Ellie wanted me to watch her walk around on the kitchen floor on her toes for a good couple of days - she claims it's "really easy"! So maybe Grandma will forget how exhausting the experience was by the time next Christmas rolls around!
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