Nothing warms your heart more than to hear your daughter ask if we can make a birthday cake for Jesus. The tradition started last year, and yet again we had a white birthday cake with candles and we gathered around and sang Happy Birthday to Jesus. That along with sharing time with family, getting wonderful gifts including Butterscotch pony, eating way too much food, and the uncontrollable excitement Christmas morning after Santa came is what made our Christmas so great. Not to ruin a sweet blog but it is now 9:36 on the day after Christmas and I am ready to saddle my kids up on those reindeer and let them take em' away! They are now coming down off the two day high they have been on from sweets and presents and it is not going well. They have come out of their room 22 times (yes, I am counting because Jamie got the luxury of going to a movie tonight and I want to be sure he gets the full rundown of what he put me through!). They have used every excuse from needing water to needing to go to the bathroom to needing medicine for the sudden onset of a sore throat. Then Lily hit her head and needed the "boo bunny ice pack". Big surprise but out came Ellie and her head also miraculously hurt but then it "wasn't fair" because she had to have the old rubber ice bag instead of the boo bunny. Oh and after I said no to the third water request Lily said that when she doesn't have water to drink she throws up in the middle of the night. Not to mention that we bought them these great bunk beds and they still insist on sleeping together in the top bunk...which then leads to the "don't touch me" and "you're on my side" bickering. I really think that if I see one more set of those new Hannah Montana jammies walk into this room I'm going to lose it! Have I told you how much I love my kids lately? I do.
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