Well....plus a few kids and one on the way! We went up to Seattle to visit my friends Emily and Jenni and their families. Em has Max who is almost 3 and the biggest football fan I have ever met, Jack who is 10 months and absolutely adorable and of course her husband Brian. And Jenni and her husband Steve are expecting in August and she is the cutest little prego ever! We had a great weekend, and even left all the kiddos with the boys and escaped for lunch and to look at all the fun baby stuff for Jenni. It was pretty much chaos the whole weekend with all 5 kids but the most fun chaos I have had in awhile! Jalen and Jack had the best time sitting and playing, they are both the smiliest happiest babies! They even tolerated us putting bunny ears on them and taking pictures (one day they will roll their eyes but for now they just gave us their sweet smiles!). Max and the girls played so good, and Max and Lily really enjoyed watching Dora together (I'm pretty sure that was on in the background 90% of the time we were there!) The most amazing thing to me though is how we live in separate states, rarely get to see each other and we pick up right where we leave off...the best things in life never change...and good friendships are one of those!