Okay, so this little shirt that my grandma got Jalen for Christmas is cute and got a good laugh out of everyone...however, let me clarify that there is a difference between being bossy and asking for help. (It is not my fault that in asking for help I need to kindly give direction on HOW to help me in the fastest, most efficient way possible.) I think this is where the confusion comes in for Jamie. In given the choice to hold and entertain Jalen or do one of the many tasks that moms have to do all day...he always chooses the other task. I'm not sure why...for two reasons: hanging with Jalen when he is your only focus is really a pretty fun thing to do, secondly, the other task that he chooses he only does 3/4 of the way...it's never completed as I would have done it. Now I know this could seem like I'm "throwing him under the bus" as he likes to call it, and I'm sure he will soon be on here "throwing me under the bus" right back but that is really not my intention. It's okay, I've surrendered to the fact that guys generally don't multi-task well and they just don't "see" things that same way we do. For example, let's take putting away Christmas. Here's my point in the fast and efficient comment...for our 8 years of marriage I have been getting out and putting away the Christmas decorations every year. I know what goes in what bin, box and bag and how it fits together. So this year Jalen was sick and fussy and Jamie chose to put away Christmas instead of hold him. So when I was sweetly following him from room to room describing to him "how" to put things away I got accused of being "bossy". Wouldn't it have just been a lot easier for him to take the fussy baby and let me put everything away in the same fashion I have every other year? So , as "Little Miss Bossy" let me end with this: I love my husband dearly and greatly appreciate everything he does to help around the house as I realize it is much more than most men do...let's just say there are some things girls do better, like putting away Christmas decorations. (Now I don't think even Jamie could argue with that!)
ha ha... at least you got to follow him around and guide him. Aaron sat on the couch while I sweetly called from the other room, don't worry, you relax, I'll get all the Christmas stuff. To which he replied, OK. :)
foelker@qwest.net Actually, it wasn't "grandma" who bought this cute little t-shirt, it was GREAT-GRANDMA ELSA!! Just wanted to clarify that cause I would NEVER consider Dina to be bossy!!
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