The school year is officially underway...right at the perfect time...when you think you can't take another day! Whoever called it the "lazy days of summer" obviously does not have three kids! This was a big year for the girls since they were starting a new school. We went to the preview day at Stafford the week before school started and Ellie was pumped but Lily not so much. We got in the car afterwards and she said she would go back on Tuesday but only to get all the school supplies she left there because she was NOT going to that school. Of course we explained that is not her decision to make and YES she was going there and she would love it! So with a bit of coaxing on the first day she walked into that room like a big girl and came leaping off the school bus that afternoon happy as could be...she did in fact LOVE it! Her teachers name is Miss Addie which she thinks is pretty cool since that is her cousins name and she has made some good friends who also play on her soccer team. Ellie already knew 3 girls in her class from playing softball with them so she felt comfortable right away. The morning are not easy...they have to be at school at 7:40 so the alarm goes off at 6:15 and every morning it is a fight to get them out of bed...but hey I guess it's payback because I remember doing the exact same thing to my mom! I can only hope that the rest of the year goes as well as the first couple of weeks...we are off the a great start!
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