We are always reminded this time of year how truly blessed we are...mostly for our wonderful family and friends! We had Thanksgiving with the Foelker side of the family on Monday this year because Lacey and her family were leaving for Hawaii. Then we celebrated Thanksgiving on Thursday with the Snooks. We are so lucky to have so many of our great-grandparents to share these special times with. Ellie had a class project that required her to interview everyone in her family so we all learned a few things that we didn't already know. Ellie couldn't believe that Papa Ben had 5 brothers and sisters, Papa Bill flew solo in an airplane, and Grandma Elsa made a date over the phone with a boy named Bill thinking it was Grandpa but it was the wrong Bill that came to pick her up...she had called the wrong boy! It is always fun to talk about how life was when they were growing up. The day after Thanksgiving Papa Bill and Grandma Elsa took the kids shoe shopping and bought both the girls some Ugg boots and a beautiful Christmas dress. The girls even tried on the dresses and modeled them like Lacey and I used to do! Papa Bill kept saying, "I don't think there are many great-grandparents that get to do this"...and I agree...one of the many reasons we are so blessed!