This is going to be a long winter! Jalen's favorite thing to do is play outside and now that the rains are here it's causing quite a problem in our house. So usually in the afternoon when he can't take another minute of being inside we head out to do what boys do best...get wet, messy and muddy! The only problem is he is too little to send out by himself to play...so you know what that means...I also have to brave the weather (and Mommy's do not like the rain half as much as little boys!) I dress him up with his raincoat, a hat and his rainboots (or sometimes he insists on his snow boots) and we walk around the yard picking up leaves, splashing in puddles, going down wet slides and swinging golf clubs and baseball bats at everything BUT balls! Most of the time by the time we are done some of his clothes if not all are off because he doesn't like wet clothes (I didn't think boys were supposed to mind things like that) and the boots are always off...he does like the feel of his feet sinking into the mud and grass. I guess I could have saved the money I spent on boots and coats but then what kind of mom would I look like when we were out in public? Regardless of how your child "likes" things there are sometimes where it is more important for us Mommy's to look good!
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