This weekend definitely tops the charts as the busiest weekend...I am just imagining what it will be like down the road when all 3 of them are involved in activities! It started Friday night with the annual Father-Daughter dance up at Oregon Golf Club. I got the girls all dolled up with curled hair, special earrings and even some make-up and sent them off to have a fun night with Daddy. It was a 60's theme so they had the old-fashioned milkshakes, hula hooping contest (which they both won!) and dancing to a lot of Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers and Taylor Swift. I got a little one on one time with my little buddy and after some cuddling on the couch laid him down early and had some peace and quiet. Saturday got started early with a softball game at 9:00 which Jamie coached while I took Ellie to her rehearsal for her first communion. From there it was rushing around to get birthday presents for the 3 different parties the girls had that day and a lot of dropping off and picking up. Ellie's friend Rae was having a sleepover because her mom was in Arkansas so after the party I brought the girls back here to play...luckily it was a nice day so they stayed outside. I spent the afternoon cleaning the house and running to Party City to get the supplies for Ellie's special day on Sunday. The girls decided they wanted to have a lemonade stand, however, it turned into selling blue gatorade, skittles and gum and giving away "free" water to all the people walking by that said they had no money. It was pretty funny, there was no cute little stand or even a table for that matter...they just had all the cups lined up on the pavement and a handmade sign sitting on top of a fence post. When I asked for a drink they charged me which just made me laugh...I give you all the supplies then I have to pay for a sip of gatorade?! I have to say I was a little sad for them...not one car stopped! What has this world turned into when you can't stop and give a kid a quarter to make their day? They did have some 4th grade boys come by on their bikes and buy some gum so I think they ended up making $1. They had fun though so I guess that's all that matters. After a lot of negotiating I got them to bed at a somewhat decent time...got a few hours of sleep myself and then started Sunday off with more cleaning and getting ready for the party at our house. Jamie and I double teamed it...he did the outside and I did the inside. When I say I did the inside keep in mind that I had 3 little "helpers" running behind me so I seemed to picking up the same things over and over again! Finally...the time was here...off to Ellie's first communion! She wore a beautiful white dress, with tights and shoes that Nana got her and the veil that her great-grandma June made my mom for her wedding which was really special. She was excited and nervous and kept grabbing my hand and telling me her heart was beating so fast. She has such wonderful family and friends that came to support her and everyone came to our house afterwards to celebrate. It was a beautiful day for a beautiful occasion. So it is 8:24 on Sunday night and as I nag the girls to brush their teeth I am off to tuck them into bed, say our prayers, good night kisses and take a huge sigh of relief that this weekend is over!