Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Now I lay you down to sleep...again...and again...

So we've officially hit that impossible and heart breaking sleep stage. The "I'm almost 2 and I don't want to go to sleep...and I am definitely not sleeping in my crib!" Ever since we went to Arizona and then up to Seattle and he got to sleep with us he has decided that it should be that way every night. We obviously disagree. So the battle of the wills has begun and so far he wins. We have spent the last two nights putting him in his crib only to have him climb out and walk out of the room. Last night we stood at the door and the minute we heard the "thud" we walked back in and laid him down again and again and again...After he realized he couldn't get out he just stood there and cried and cried and cried. There is no wearing that kid down and I think Jamie and I have gotten soft in our old age. With the girls we would let them "cry it out" and for whatever reason we just don't have the heart to listen to it with Jalen. For one I don't remember the girls lasting as long as he does, a few minutes and they would fall asleep. Maybe he got his dad's persistence and stubborn personality because we try to let him cry it out but after a couple of hours and him still going strong, we are both emotionally and physically tired. So he ends up in between us in our bed and within minutes he is out. Aren't we just the suckers?! Nap time isn't much easier, and since we are up he thinks he needs to be up too. We again, lock him in his room but unlike night time he's cool with it...he climbs out of his crib and plays with his toys. Half the time he will fall asleep on the floor or the rocking chair like I found him the other day...but hey whatever works for me to get my few minutes of quiet during the day! I know this too will pass, and I think secretly I don't want it to...he's my last baby and I just want to enjoy every minute of it...even if it means being waken by little hands and feet all night long. So for now, he wins, and I'm sure we will be paying for it when we still have a 5 year old sleeping with us...just kidding...

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