It's days like today that make me think I have the sweetest kids and husband around. (ask me tomorrow and I may think differently!) My day started with Jamie bringing me Starbucks in bed and then I had very specific directions from the girls to STAY in bed. I think that's the first time in almost two years that I stayed in bed past 7:30 so it was very much appreciated. The girls made me some "fairy queen quiches" with a little help from Daddy and Jalen and then delivered them to me for a very yummy breakfast in bed. Jamie got me a new orange Cole Haan purse which is an upgrade from my last Target one! Ellie made me a dream catcher with a poem attached that read...
My Mom is...
As generous as an angel
As playful as a puppy
As beautiful as an amethyst
I love my mom
Lily made me a beautiful picture of a vase with flowers that she had painted and cut out to go inside. The girls also gave me a much needed new pair of jeans and a cute shirt (I think they had a little help with that as well :)
We made our rounds to both grandparents to wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day and while at my parents we also celebrated Lacey and Jalen's birthday since my mom is leaving on the 18th for her spiritual pilgrimage to Medjugorje. It was a special day and I am so blessed to be surrounded by such incredible family!
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