Tuesday was the first day back to school and this week has flown by! It is amazing how quiet the house gets when you are down to one kid! But...quiet is not always a good thing. Jalen has discovered hide and seek and he's a very good hider, but he won't answer when you call (he's no dummy!) and there have been a couple times I literally can't find him. Either he's really good or I suck at hide and seek, but every time I get a small panic attack. Even though all the doors are locked and chained I imagine him crawling through a window and running down to the street. This last time he had torn the plastic child proof doorknobs off, gone into the garage and was hiding in my car. Like I said...he's good at this game! So yes quiet, but still very busy! The girls love school, love their teachers and their class and are making new friends as well as reconnecting with the old. They are both playing soccer and Ellie is playing fall softball which was supposed to be low key (no practices and a double header on Sunday's for 6 weeks is what I was told). Somehow that turned into 2 practices a week for 2 hours each. So between the girls and all their practices and games we have one day off...Thursday. It gets a little crazy but better busy than bored! And other than waking up early I am loving being back in a routine. Now it just needs to get darker earlier so we can all get in pj's at 6:00 and feel good about covering up with a blanket on the couch!