In attempt to get away for our last weekend before school starts we headed to Pacific City with Papa Jack, Jordan and Jake. It was supposed to rain both days and while it poured here in Portland we got lucky and had some great beach weather! We went to the beach both days and did the usual...climb the hill, build some sand castles and run from the waves. We actually talked Ellie and Lily into letting Jake bury them in the sand which was hilarious as they got sand dumped in their face, ears and hair...but they were such good sports! Jalen decided he liked stomping on the sand castles more than building them, whether they were ours or not which made for some little kids in tears when they found what had happened! We managed to have a couple meals at the Pelican Pub which is always fun cause the kids can play in the sand while we eat. It was great to spend time with Papa and cousins...we don't get to as often as we would like but when we do it is always a special time!
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