We surprised the kids last night and took them to the pumpkin patch (well...we tried to surprise them...once we got to the ferry they knew where we were going...why else would you ever go on a ferry right?!)It was a beautiful day for it...COLD...but clear blue skies! When we got out of the car there was a family walking to their car holding 3 pumpkins and Jalen shouted out with excitement "mama, big orange!" Jamie and I cracked up as we told him they were pumpkins to which he responded "oh yeah"...like he already knew that. The kids all had fun riding in the wheelbarrow, climbing the haystack, and finding their way through the hay maze. Okay so I'm a little embarrassed to admit this since we have been going to this pumpkin patch for 9 years but I have never gone through the hay maze until this year! I know bad mom...sending my kids into the darkness on their own! The thing is they are not scared...never have been but I HATED it! I had my camera and I had to keep taking pictures just so I could use the light of the flash for a split second to slow my heart. Not a fan! We all picked our own pumpkin like we always do...Jalen's was green...if I remember right he did that last year too. He walked over the wheelbarrow saying "blue one"...everything is blue right now, his favorite color, even if it's not...but hey green is close enough! So as usual I had the camera and spent most of the time snapping away until Jamie told me my picture taking was "bugging him"...he said all he can hear are the snaps of the shutter. I said fine...here...you take the pictures. This rarely happens...for example out entire trip to Bend there was not one picture of me...it's like I wasn't even there! My kids are going to look back on these wonderful scrapbooks I make them and wonder where I was...the long lost mommy. Anyway, you all know Jamie well enough to know that of course he was going to go a little overboard just to prove him point. So he walked around taking pictures of anything and everything. And not just one...but three of the same thing...just click, click, click. Right in my face, would not leave me alone, like we were on some kind of professional photo shoot of mom. So I'm holding in my annoyance by laughing and thinking well at least there will be some pictures of me for once. Wishful thinking. I get home, plug in my camera and look through the pictures with great anticipation. Nothing. Well...everything, but nothing worth wanting to put in a scrapbook! And the few ones that may have been good, were taken directly into the sun so they were all hazy. I even put it on automatic mode for him! Oh well...I guess the proof that I am there is in all the pictures of them!
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