That is the question Jalen asked as we left church on Christmas Eve. I told him we were celebrating Jesus's birthday and that's what he came back with. From a 3 year old's perspective I suppose that is a legitimate question...like we have Christmas every year and every year he is just being born? He sees the same baby Jesus in the beautifully lit manger at church every year. At least he is starting to grasp the true meaning of Christmas right? Better than thinking it's only about Santa! But thank goodness for Santa...for the whole month of December I have a built in bribe...Santa's watching. And the amazing thing is it works. I think we should create a character every month that visits on the last day. All in all it was another special Christmas...we stuck to our usual traditions which is was makes it the best. We drove to see the Christmas lights on the same little street we always go to in Gladstone. We went to visit Santa (although we happen to be there on "pet" night so that didn't go as smooth as usual!...seriously like a dog wants to sit on Santa's lap.), we got tags off the giving tree, we did all the choir performances, and finally the day came. Even though both our parents are still together we call it the "Four Christmas's" around here. We do both families...both days. We are so lucky to have so many of our grandparents still around that we have to keep these old traditions alive! Santa brought the girls a 4 foot tall doll house that they use for all their pet shops (they claim to have 87 now!) and Jalen got a bat cave with Batman and Robin and some bat cars and bat motorcycles. Grandma got the girls dolls, and then MADE them clothes...like sewed them clothes...and also made the girls pj's that matched the dolls. Oh and she also made a bag for them to be kept in. Such a special gift...Lily has taken the doll everywhere, and finds clothes that match the dolls. Nana got the girls some cute clothes, and a karaoke machine that they can record themselves on...and got Jalen a whole collection of superheroes. Now if I hear the words "I'm bored" or "there's nothing to do" I think I just might lose it! These kids have enough to keep them occupies for months...or at least for a week until they are back in school! So to all our family and friends that we got to see and celebrate with over this season...thank you for making it so special...we are grateful to have you in our lives!
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