Not that ours ever our "typical" but even for us this was out of the ordinary! We are used to kids Valentines parties at school, putting pepperoni on heart shaped pizza crusts and throw a basketball practice in there and that's our day. Not this year. Lily had been sick since Saturday night when she had a sleepover with Papa and Grandma. Grandma took good care of her on Sunday while we were in Salem for Ellie's volleyball tournament. She slept on the floor next to my bed Sunday night and while she usually likes me to run her tummy when she doesn't feel good she did not want me touching her. She yelled out in pain when I put my hand on her stomach or her back. I contemplated taking her to the ER but decided to try to get her to sleep and see how she was in the morning. It was a restless night and after getting Ellie off to school I came up to check on her. I tried to get her to drink some water, which she did but immediately started moaning that it hurt. I bundled her up and took her to the doctor to see what was going on. He did an quick exam and thought for sure it was her appendix and told us to go to Emanuel's Children's ER right away. Lily was scared, and I was upset because I felt so guilty for not taking her the night before. We got to the hospital, got checked in and they gave her an IV to get some fluids in her since she was so dehydrated, as well as some sugar since her blood sugar was low. The ER physician also suspected appendicitis and ordered an ultra sound to verify. We waited a LONG time to get into the ultra sound...and it was already 1:00 and neither Jamie or I had anything to eat the whole day and the chairs in those small ER rooms are not all that comfortable! Jamie finally found a cafe and brought us coffee to which we toasted happy valentines day! Finally they gave Lily some morphine to help with the pain of pressing on her stomach during the ultra sound and rolled her back into the US room. That also was a long process...and we were so nervous as we sat there trying to figure out what was on that screen. The tech left for a few minutes, then came back in and told us it was NOT her appendix. What?! Relieved as we were, we were also confused and worried what else it could be. The doctor came in and told us that it must just be a stomach virus and a lot of times when kids get that dehydrated there is a lymph node right next to the appendix that gets inflamed and can cause a lot of the same symptoms as appendicitis. Good news! We joked that it was a long expensive day for a stomach virus but so happy it was nothing more serious! We picked Ellie up, and headed home to let Lily relax. Jamie left for the pizza shack while the kids and I cuddled into bed. To top things off Jamie had a city league basketball game that night! Once the kids were asleep I turned on the Bachelor to end my not so romantic Valentines Day...at least I could watch someone else's scripted romantic getaways! Thank God Lily is okay...that in itself is a great Valentine's present! XOXO
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