Saturday, June 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Lils!

So June 26 my little girl turned 6! I can't even believe how fast that went...I know we always say that but on days like this it especially hits you. She started the day with a bagel and note that Daddy left her since he was gone before she got up (another golf weekend for Daddy!) I gave her my present when she got up which was birthstone earrings, a necklace with a "L" on it and a cool card game of MASH (you all remember how much fun that was a kid? well now you don't even have to make your own, some genius made a card game out of it) We went to lunch at Red Robin (her pick of course) with Grandma, Lacey, Caleb, Addie, Tristan and of course Ellie, Jalen and I. She had 6 friends come over in the afternoon and Grandma and I took them up to the Oregon Golf Club to go swimming, then home for pizza and clown cones from B&R and finally settled in for the premier of "Princess Protection" on the Disney channel. The girls were up till 11:00 and going at it again this morning at 6:30 and they had a blast! As I was watching her interact with her friends I felt proud at what a sweet, kind hearted, generous girl she is. I think every age has some challenges that go with it, but those years from five to six have to be some of my favorite. They still love their mom's and all the cuddles and even though they are becoming more independent they haven't hit that sassy stage where they let you know it's way cooler to hang with friends than you. She still has the sweet innocence to her (most of the time!), and when I catch her watching Dora or falling asleep in the middle of the day I am reminded that she is still a little girl. A little girl who tries so hard to keep up with her big sister that sometimes I forget that her needs are different. So I write this as she sleeps on the couch with that sweet, peaceful look on her face...Happy Birthday Lily...I love you!

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