Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dirty Digging

Okay...the sun came out today...which after the last month of weather feels like a miralce! BUT, it was still super cold, maybe a high of 52?! Yet when I let Jalen go out to "play with Happy" as he says I had no idea what would come of it! I walk outside to find Jalen opposite Happy helping him dig a hole! No idea what was in there (don't think I really want to know!)...but they were both digging like they meant it!

He had already taken his socks and shoes off, and then he started taking ALL his clothes off, and I mean everything! I still don't know why...I guess he didn't want his clothes to get too dirty?! I didn't think he would last too long with it being so cold out, but him and Happy kept digging, and then ran, dug some more, jumped around, and dug some more.

My mom and I were watching from the window just laughing...he was having the time of his life out there! Looking back on this when he is older I am sure he will be mortified that I posted these pictures but I can't resist, they are too funny!

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