Tuesday, April 26, 2011


We had our first official "beautiful" day of the year on Saturday...sunny and 75 degrees. And then we woke up on Easter...to cold and rainy. Not sure why the weather never cooperates for Easter egg hunting but once again we moved the search inside behind chair legs, window sills and shelves. After going to church we joined the Snook's for a brunch and a group movie of Lion King. We then went back home where we had over all the Foelker's for dinner. Other than us all feeling like stuffed bunnies it was a great day that we were thankful to share with all our family.

We had a wonderful bible study group that we did a Lenten study with. Each family put together Easter baskets for the kids and adults living in the shelter at Mt. Tabor. This is a picture of the kids holding some of the baskets.

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