People always say how time goes too fast...me included...but it's these occasions that you really mean it...this year went so fast! I can't believe that Jalen was born a year ago, he has grown up in so many ways, but lucky for me, he is still my baby in many ways as well. Here's a few fun facts and stats...
Weighing in at 8 pounds 9 ounces at birth he is now a solid 23 pounds
He came out with the loudest cry I had ever heard from a baby...now it's the loudest scream (no joke for those of you who haven't heard it...it's ear piercing!)
For the first week he had his days and nights mixed up so wasn't sleeping well...we fixed the day/night problem but he still doesn't sleep well (I'm up at LEAST once a night...and that's on a good night!)
He was not much of a cuddler as a baby, he preferred to be in his swing all by himself...now he gives the best hugs and slobbery kisses and LOVES to be rocked to sleep (I do the first round, Daddy gets the second round)...I know, I know...bad routine but he won't be a baby forever!
Of course all he ate as a baby was milk...while he eats a little better now, it's not much! He won't take a bottle, and it depends on the day whether he likes baby food. Needless to say he is still very attached to Mommy.
He had no teeth...still no teeth...not even one!
All he did was lay around bundled in a blanket...he is now crawling, pulling himself up on everything from the couch to my leg and walking around anything...his latest favorite is walking behind the rolling fire engine he got for his birthday.
All he could do was cry (again, really loud)...now he says "ball" and "papa" and when he is really sad he cries "maaaaaa", but I've yet to get a true "mama" - did you really expect that his first word would be anything other than "ball" with who his Daddy is?
A few of his favorite things:
mommy...a given
daddy...especially when I won't give him what he wants
ellie...he reaches his arms for her because she will take him to play
lily...she makes silly voices and makes him laugh
ball...any kind
being outside...rain or shine
the swing...he'll sit in it for hours as long as he has the girls to watch
ice cream...who doesn't?
toilet...i know gross, but i think it's only cause it's so off limits
remote control...he's a boy
stairs...so far he can only go up...scary!
So we had his first birthday party at Papa and Grandma's house and it was a beautiful day for it...we set up the jumping castle (which he loved!) and played in the kiddie pool and had cupcakes with blue frosting. The whole family was there to celebrate and we had a blast! This is such a fun stage with Jalen (exhausting...but fun!) It's happy and sad all at once...there is so much to look forward to, but sad that my sweet baby days are over. Now the true colors of a boy are coming out...
ready, set, go!