So the weather has turned and I forgot how hard it was to entertain a busy little boy INSIDE all day! Jalen is not one to sit and play with toys...we have baskets full of cars, tools, books, and blocks but he would much rather be outside on his quad, on his bike or with a ball, bat or club in his hand! I know most parents would be grateful that their kid doesn't watch TV, but there are times when I beg him to just sit on the couch and cuddle with me...I'll even watch one of his silly little cartoons...just let me SIT!! So I have got him a tiny bit interested in Handy Manny...he'll even say "Mama, watch Hanny Manny, couch, me". Translates, come sit with me on the couch and watch Handy Manny. So he will watch (kind and on) but the sitting doesn't last long. He has to get up and go get his matching toolbox with the tools and play along. Which is fine because at least I get to stay sitting! So between cartoons, playing chase, hide and seek and shooting hoops on the indoor plastic hoop we try to stay busy. You can see the rain on this was pouring so hard our gutter clogged up and my planter bed became a pool of muddy water. I did finally let Jalen go outside after he stood at the window saying "mama...see?" He pulled his pants up and walked out onto the porch, looked in the planter bed/pool and said "mama, fish?" I cracked up as I told him there were no fish in the planter bed. So what seemed like a very long morning it was finally nap time. Even though he has been crawling out if his crib for months now he is usually pretty good about going to sleep at nap time. So we changed (he insists on wearing pajamas at nap time too), sang our songs, got the blankie and truck book and gave kisses. I took a deep breath and went to do some work on the computer. It was a good 20 minutes of silence which I very much enjoyed when I heard "Mama!" a very loud yell. I thought no way...he can't be done after 20 minutes. So I open the door to find he was never asleep! His room looked like a tornado hit it! Every toy was out, every book, his pillows and blankets thrown out onto the floor, the diapers thrown out of the drawer and he was standing on TOP of the changing table with no pants on dancing around like it was his own personal stage! He had smeared lotion all over himself and the mirror, gotten into the vaseline so he had a nice shine to him and knocked a wooden sign off the wall. He didn't even have a guilty look it was no big deal. He said "mama...change me". Thank goodness I walked in when I did because I have a feeling the changing part he was about to do himself and that would not have been pretty! I got him changed and back in his pajamas and layed him down for a second time. This time I stood by the door for a few minutes to make sure he stayed in his crib and went to sleep. I love him...he has completed our family, he cracks us up and every night when I lay my head down I know I will get a good nights sleep because that kid wears me out!